P.I.D. Radio 7/29/09: The Danger Within

TODAY’S SHOW covered a range of topics, but most of our time was spent discussing genetically modified crops and the difficulty in finding out how GM foods affect our health. Meanwhile, H1N1 vaccines are being fast-tracked, with human trials only intended to determine dosage — not whether the vaccines are actually safe.

P.I.D. Radio 7/28/09: Read the Bill!

JOHN CONYERS (D-Mich.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, mocked fellow lawmakers who insist on actually reading legislation before they vote. The message is clear: don’t bother with the details, just trust us. We’ll see if the American public’s opposition to the proposed nationalization of health care stays strong or if something comes along (World Series? Football? Washington scandal?) to distract us.

Best of P.I.D. Radio: David Duncan — The New World Order Scam

WE HAVE company again in the bunker tonight and we spent the evening watching the Nicolas Cage movie Knowing. Sharon will have a review posted tomorrow. So we take the opportunity to bring back an archived interview that’s been offline for a couple of years. In December of 2005, we interviewed David Duncan about his belief that Christians were being set up by various groups to take the fall for most of what’s wrong with America, and thus the world. He called his theory the biggest double cross in all of history, “The New World Order Scam”.