Tag: Hillary Clinton

P.I.D. Radio 1/21/18: Bigger Than Watergate

NO, NOT HILLARY’S illegal email server. That was bad enough, but we’re talking about the use of America’s intelligence community by one political party against another.

P.I.D. Radio 9/6/15: Freedom from Religion or Secular Sharia?

WE TEND not to be alarmists when it comes to Christian persecution in the USA. But things have shifted in recent years and it’s starting to get ugly.

P.I.D. Radio 10/14/12: Who Goes Under the Bus?

AN INTERESTING thing emerged into public view last week during congressional hearings and the vice presidential debate: The State Department and the White House are playing a game of C.Y.A. regarding the deadly attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The question is whether President Obama or Secretary of State Clinton will take the fall.