Circumstances Beyond Our Etcetera


We’re settling into the new bunker here in Indiana, but we don’t have it quite ready for broadcast just yet. In addition, Derek is working this weekend at his new job; he started just in time to take part in his new employer’s annual inventory. Six acres, many tons of steel to count in freezing temperatures with a good chance of rain, and a seven A.M. start Saturday and Sunday. Neat!

No complaints, though. It has to be done and so far the new job is going very well. God really opened a door here; it’s a friendly group and the company takes very good care of its employees.

So while Sharon makes the drive back to her sisters over the weekend (it’s wonderful to be able to make the visit home a day trip instead of taking an entire day to just to get there!), Derek will be counting steel and testing out his new steel-toed high-top sneakers (seriously).

Never fear, we’ll be back next Sunday with a new show. We can’t help but notice that the young man who killed eight and then himself in Omaha was a ward of the state. If you’re not familiar with The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp, you can read some excerpts here.

Omaha is Ground Zero for a lot of high weirdness over the last 30 or so years. We’ll talk about this next week.