Comments on: P.I.D. Radio at Future Congress: Gary Stearman — The Luciferian UFO Agenda Theopolitics and the Paranormal from a Christian Worldview Thu, 23 Aug 2012 01:24:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: stellas Mon, 15 Aug 2011 11:46:12 +0000 Where does Mr Stearman get his information about Lucifer representing the reptiles? I have never heard this theory.

By: chiliboots Sat, 13 Aug 2011 05:36:51 +0000 IndyRose…

Wait a minute: you are so upset that you decided to promote it, yourself?

What kind of double-talk is this? Are you expecting to form a crowd around
your “indignation”?

Trolls are not welcome on the Internet. You, and “My Gosh”, are transparent,
lame and offensive. Or, just incredibly unintelligent, and inattentive.

Either way, go bother someone who cares what you “think”. No one here does.

By: IndyRose Thu, 11 Aug 2011 10:51:07 +0000 This is off topic but I am SO pissed off about this one! The 19 of the 30 families of the fallen Navy Seals did not want media coverage so the President and White house agreed. Here is the photo they “leaked” of the President saluting the “containers”. Even though it was “tastefully” done it still is a breaking of the promise to the families.


AND being a kid of a WWII vet, he isn’t even saluting properly anyway.
