Comments on: P.I.D. Radio at Future Congress: Chris Pinto — The Patriotic Faith Theopolitics and the Paranormal from a Christian Worldview Fri, 06 Sep 2013 05:42:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paula Fri, 06 Sep 2013 05:42:12 +0000 btw – when I say John is outgunned in facts, it is not implying that I agree with Paul on what seems to be a LOT of things. But that he is obviously better prepared to defend his position than someone who shows up and accuses of hubris right off the bat for simply carrying on a respectful conversation.

By: Paula Fri, 06 Sep 2013 05:20:25 +0000 btw Paul, since you’re Roman Catholic, obviously you cannot speak a word of truth against Pinto. (yes, being sarcastic here). I’m Lutheran, and I don’t think Pinto’s paranoia fits with a large segment of protestantism either. I’m not sure where it comes from. Both this obsession with occult phenomenon and the obsession with immorality in America (all those people sinning OUT THERE) is Pinto’s problem. Satan doesn’t care what you focus on, as long as it isn’t Christ. That is Pinto’s problem.

And now that a few Christians have questioned him (not Roman Catholics, but people who respected some of what he did, just didn’t rubber stamp ALL of it) he’s on a spiritual attack kick, constantly blaming everyone else for his loss of credibility. We’ve all become agents of Satan. Brannon Howse is going right along with it quite passive-aggressively as well.

By: Paula Fri, 06 Sep 2013 05:14:36 +0000 The hubris of John who is clearly outgunned in the facts department… just amazing. But I kind of expected that.

By: Johnny C. Fri, 09 Mar 2012 06:58:57 +0000 Here’s Pinto’s problem:

1. His work on the occult and its presence in the founding of the United States (through Bacon, Franklin, etc.) is quite good.
2. Unfortunately it points up the degree to which the occult was in direct opposition to the Catholic Church, and vice versa, and how the occult “wrapped itself” in his words in protestantism to avoid the consequences.
3. Pinto is clinging to his protestantism in the face of his knowledge that the real fight is between the Catholic Faith (the Church Christ founded) and the occultists (demonologists).
This is causing great psychic dissonance on his part and his positions cannot be reconciled.
He is welcome at Mass anytime, but I recommend he attend the Tridentine Mass and not the “Novus Ordo” Mass, as the people he exposes in his work on the occult had their way with the Catholic Church in the 1960’s.
Unfortunately, as the Catholic Church goes, so goes the rest of Western Civilization. “Calvary Chapel” will not beat the occultists. Sorry, just not going to happen. If the Catholic Church has been infiltrated as it seems to have been, that’s the ballgame folks.

By: Paul Collins Fri, 03 Feb 2012 16:22:22 +0000 Jonn,

I see patronizing and condescension are your strong points. Critical thinking and reason… well, that’s a different story.

Enjoy you blissful ignorance.

By: Paul Fri, 03 Feb 2012 04:03:43 +0000 In the realm of polemics and logical argumentation, shushing your opposition won’t cut it. My questions to you remain. Perhaps if you won’t answer them in this forum, hopefully you will at least contemplate them in your own mind.

At any rate, believe whatever you want to believe. Trust me, reality will not re-adjust itself to accommodate you.

By: Jonn Fri, 03 Feb 2012 02:38:05 +0000 Paul,

Again, shhhhhhhhhh. Quit while you think you are ahead. You’re embarrassing yourself.

By: Paul Collins Thu, 02 Feb 2012 19:54:27 +0000 “Shhhh. Be quiet.”

Typical response from someone who wants to avoid the real issues. Noticed you didn’t answer my question.

By the way, should Gilbert and Pinto be classified as being “in the wrong spirit” for slandering the founders and people with a love of country?

My hubris is amazing, eh? The same can be said about your self-righteousness.

By: Jonn Thu, 02 Feb 2012 18:56:33 +0000 Yeah — you’re still railing in the wrong spirit.
Your hubris is amazing. You assume too much about me — now you’re making accusations about me. I kinda expected that. Shhhhhhh. Be quiet.

By: Paul Collins Mon, 30 Jan 2012 00:40:58 +0000 Jonn,

Are you going to call everyone who cites sound research and facts “sounding brass?” So everyone who says something you don’t want to hear is unsavory?

So it’s not unsavory to slander the Founders as frothing at the mouth Luciferians? What kind of inverted logic is that?
Youn fringe fundamentalists need to seriously get a grip. Christianity is alot older than Martin Luther and it doesn’t include the writings of Jack Chick, Eric Jon Phelps or other book-burning misfits who have abandoned Christian culture to join a subculture that rejects orthodoxy and traditionalism, accepts Gnosticism as “apostolic,” and portrays all Christians who do not accept their extremist interpretation of Scripture as “Romanist” (whatever the hell that means) and devil worshippers.

By: Jonn Sat, 21 Jan 2012 18:41:15 +0000 WOW I see a whole other, unsavory side of Collins.
You, my friend, are sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal — you think you know all mysteries but you’re sounding brass.

By: aubrey Fri, 30 Sep 2011 21:35:32 +0000 Mr. Pinto is very much on target, but the subject is much like an onion skin, each layer of the skin covers the truth. The catholic church does not even reflect true Christianity which was born out of the Jerusalem believers in the original “Way”. Yes, I defy any person to take both Rome and Washington DC and try to make a true Chritian foundations out of either. Obelisk and false gods(Statue of Jupiter called St. Peter)yea right, zodiac releifs, false philospher statues, masonic regalia, as well papcey worship (Holy father)Jesus said,” call no man father on this earth, but you have one Father in Heaven. Both the Catholic relegion and the Masons, love to promote the unity/universalism of their faiths and their tolerance of all others, again Jesus said,”I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by me.” So folks, both foundations are false and the sad things is there are christians that will defend both false doctrines to their graves. Mr. Pinto is trying to get us away from defending some of these false founding fathers and the pseudo christian/american hero status, good example, “The Republic” which these men so carefully designed our Constitutional Republic on, is from Platos Republic and governor/historian Solon’s expressions of Atlantis, yes there is another great christian society which we should use as our foundation, ha, ha., I believe they too were destroyed for their corruption. From birth on, many Americans have been given a strong dose of half truths in order to blind them to the founding fathers as God fearing holy men that never owned a slave, never had numerous affairs,never had split allegience to other countries(played both sides) and were never given to greed or usery and the holy american flag as our Roman standard (Pax Americanus) The real Christians like Mr. Pinto are the average people that continually try to warn the people of the hidden dangers of these men and there false christian foundations modern day false christ’s misleading God’s true children. The Kingdom of God is not here on earth and especially not in America, watch reality tv sometime and tell me if we are a holy God serving selfless people that reflect our Father’s will.

By: Paul Collins Mon, 29 Aug 2011 00:55:33 +0000 Timby (or whatever you real name is),

Your opinion and $1.25 will buy you a cup of coffee anywhere around town. I wasn’t stroking my ego or anyone else’s. There is nothing hubristic about sharing info that flatly debunks Pinto’s anti-American abdication theology. One day, the fringe fundamentalism that Derek and Pinto subscribe to will dissipate. When that day comes, history should be able to record that there were people crying foul.

By: Timby Sat, 27 Aug 2011 05:09:29 +0000 This whole diatribe is pretty damn lame. Lots of hubris here…

By: Darlene Thu, 25 Aug 2011 23:25:47 +0000 Thanks, Paul…and I have heard of a couple of those! Chris Pinto has mentioned one for sure…and I think there is another one he’s mentioned as recommended reading.

Guess I need to get caught up on my reading. 🙂
