Comments on: P.I.D. Radio at Future Congress: Noah Hutchings — Signs of the Last Generation Theopolitics and the Paranormal from a Christian Worldview Thu, 23 Aug 2012 01:24:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: GoldStarMom2872 Sat, 27 Aug 2011 16:49:19 +0000 Every time I read about what happened in connection to Isaiah 9:10, I do get those ‘goosebumps’–it was as though scripted, what those in our gov’t said and did in response to the twin towers being destroyed–as though, out of sheer ignorance, and willfulness, they were literally ringing down the fulfillment of God’s judgment, and justice on them all, and on our poor nation, for our own sinful ways–no humility, no repentence, no reflection as to how we might have been responsible in whatever measure, for the tragedy of that awful day–instead, it’s ‘D*mn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!’–yes–straight into the arms of heavenly justice, I’m afraid–

–but, ‘when you’re hot you’re hot, and when you’re not you rot’–and, this ‘tree’ has now rotted from the top down, as well as it’s bottom up–and, those bronze tree roots?!–they are the ugliest site to behold!–even if they weren’t signifying an actual ‘double judgment’ by God, on our nation for it’s condemnable ignorance and arrogance–amazing!

The only sign of hope, in my estimation, due to this still being the ‘age of God’s Grace’–is the fact that, the Sycamore tree actually took the blow that was headed straight for the little Chapel in which those men dedicated our country to Almighty God–the Chapel was spared destruction by the tree–now, to me, that shows God’s mercy towards us, in this time of Grace, not the wrath of His well-deserved judgment–even though everything else does point to judgment, lol!!–so, I believe that, yes, as a nation, our grievous sins do deserve God’s harshest of judgments–but, I think the fact that the little Chapel was spared demonstrates that, He, instead, will show us His mercy to a greater extent than we might expect–

–and far more than we definitely deserve, after the way we’ve allowed ourselves, as a nation, to literally rot from the inside out, through our moral and even religious neglect, ignorance, and down right defiant attitude towards our heavenly Father, and His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, after all God has bestowed upon us, and done for us, as a nation. We should bow our heads in shame–then, lift them up to tell Him ‘Thank You’ for His mercy.

By: Rights Fri, 26 Aug 2011 18:02:51 +0000 Yep, everyone should be banned from working for the Government based upon their sexual orientation. And while were at it we should ban women from voting and starting segregating people by race.

Of course as we take others rights away we will tell them we love them. Amen…..

By: Brenda Wed, 24 Aug 2011 22:57:46 +0000
This will give you goosebumps
