Comments on: P.I.D. Radio 12/19/11: Kim Jong What Theopolitics and the Paranormal from a Christian Worldview Fri, 23 Dec 2011 13:23:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: ghillie Fri, 23 Dec 2011 13:23:13 +0000 Hello Sharon and Derek,I just wanted to share something with you. Over here in Australia in the sunny State of Queensland I work with profoundly disabled people . One of my workmates is from Pakistan and he is a kind, caring and gentle man and a gentleman. He is also a Wahabi Moslem. Today he wished me a cheerful and heartfelt ” Merry Christmas “. This meant a lot to me particularly as the Google Icon greets me with ” Happy Holiday”.

By: Aaron Shay Tue, 20 Dec 2011 15:55:14 +0000 Gilberts ~Greetings from my bunker to yours ~ Loved finding this posted; thanks for getting this day off to a fantastic start!… Did you see the recent assessment (DOC or Hist or PBS, some such ) of the “Most Controversial” films of all time. Number One?…. Yeah, you guess it! The Passion of the Christ. By the way, you can catch James Caveziel in Person of Interest on Thursdays…(along with ‘quirky’ Michael Emerson, “Lost.”… Just an observation here: Anti-government and anti-elite themes apparent in some several mainstream televsion series of late… a new generation of screenwriters or market response to the public sentiment ?

Have blessed Holiday ~ A.S.
