Comments on: P.I.D. Radio 2/26/12: Peter the Roman – The Final Pope Theopolitics and the Paranormal from a Christian Worldview Mon, 11 Feb 2013 21:55:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Derek Mon, 11 Feb 2013 21:55:20 +0000 In reply to Steveo.

Steve: The Roman Catholic Church certainly preserved the documents it inherited, and its role in keeping the flame of Truth burning through the Middle Ages is undeniable. But the canon of scripture was pretty well determined by the third century, long before there was a Vatican. And even after Rome became Rome, it was not the monolithic entity it is commonly portrayed. The Orthodox Church, for one, would likely have something to say about whether the Roman church was the single authority that defined and preserved the Word of God.

By: Steveo Mon, 11 Feb 2013 18:09:09 +0000 In all christian charity, you folks who hold the bible alone as the sole authority do not even realize you are using a Catholic book. Where do you think that book came from? The Catholic church decided which books in there are inspired, guided by the Holy Spirit. Show me where in the bible it says what books are to be included. You cannot.

So, your authoritative inerrant bible is certainly that but, only by the Authority of the Catholic church. Every time you use that book, you are picking fruit from a tree you did not plant. Bible alone and faith alone are unbiblical. God bless.

By: Saint Malachy Fri, 15 Jun 2012 00:01:50 +0000 Here is an interesting article that suggests the recent leak of confidential letters from the Vatican could bring on the downfall of the Roman Catholic Church and subsequently the end of the Papacy!

By: Jonn Wed, 02 May 2012 06:58:10 +0000 THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR POST JEAN CLAUDE.
In fact, I can’t thank you enough.
I agree, Farrell is an “enemy of the Cross” and I lean toward thinking his adoring fan George Ann knows precisely what she is doing: deceiving people.

By: Jean Claude Fri, 06 Apr 2012 16:47:09 +0000 I know I’m posting this more than 2 weeks after the last post but I came across this board talking about Joseph Farrell. I was a big fan of his research especially on the Nazi technology (I have most of his books) but then I realized that he really espouses gnosticism. I followed him on The Byte Show with GeorgeAnn Hughes until his rant against Yahweh, the two faced God.

Joseph was accused by someone to be part of the Illuminati and people just laughed it off but he does believe that the God of the bible is a “demented genocidal blood thirsty maniac” (his words), that the good guy is the one that wants to give us access to knowledge, the biblical serpent (think gnostic), that there is no “eternal debt” to be paid so this reders Jesus’ work worthless. He encouraged the listeners many times to “get your noses out of that book” (the bible), believes that what is given to Man by revelation is a lie and deception and that the Book of Rrevelation is the product of a global elite who will use it in the last days to fullfil their own prophecies.

If you are a christian, no matter which denomination be it Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, etc…dear Joseph an “ennemy of the cross of Christ” Phil 3:18. It’s too bad because I think he’s a brilliant researcher.

My 2 cents.

Jean Claude

By: Jonn Thu, 15 Mar 2012 02:28:30 +0000 Paul,

I just heard Joseph P Farrell say: “I am a firm believer in karma. I really am.”

His academic record isn’t going to get him through the pearly gates. We must strain EVERYTHING he says no matter how brilliant he is because ultimately he is BLIND to the Truth.

By: Mary Wed, 14 Mar 2012 16:27:37 +0000 One thing to consider – we DO NOT know for sure that the list of popes is complete. There could be a gap after the current pope. We simply don’t know.

By: Marc Sun, 11 Mar 2012 11:00:22 +0000 Strange to think that the last pope is on his way. I hope that we all see Jesus coming back.
Also an interesting site is http://www.Gerda

By: Jonn Wed, 07 Mar 2012 05:11:29 +0000 I agree with everything but I’d add that I think Josephus’ work is in a class by itself, as are the Jews who kept the record straight for thousands of years though they don’t actually believe it.

I also believe that God was still in the business of answering hungry hearts even before Christ was born on earth.

I didn’t mean to imply disregard for philosophers; I’ve taken several courses. What I had in mind was material Farrell references that are of an esoteric nature. Occult really. I’m also not into the Zohar, nor do I find it edifying to learn the details of pagan “mythology” such as Horn writes about in detail.

By: Paul Collins Wed, 07 Mar 2012 03:45:36 +0000 Jonn,

My perspective is as follows: extra-Biblical sources are fine so long as they confirm Biblical truths. What I have found is that there are some that do (i.e. Flavius Josephus).

Plato and Aristotle, while not Christian, are very important. So are many of the wisdom traditions. These sources confirm an important Biblical fact: all of creation emanates from an absolute truth.

Now where these sources fall short is in their failure to recognize the Lord as that absolute truth and Christ as the Logos. That must be mentioned and noted. But it should also be noted that these sources began their search for truth after the fall. The fall, in my opinion, brought a spiritual amnesia that made it humanly possible only to gain fragments of the truth. So we can’t be too judgmental. In such a climate, it is easy to see way people were so prone to paganize the truth or fragment it. It took Jesus Christ coming to earth for man to receive truth in it fullness.

So recognize the truth these sources share while acknowledging their shortcomings and you’ve done no wrong.

And if you want to finance a writer’s work, buy his/her book. That’s my opinion on that issue. I don’t believe in taking up a collection for someone like that.

By: Jonn Wed, 07 Mar 2012 03:21:13 +0000 If something related to Bible scholarship is so difficult that the average person can’t grasp it, I fail to see its usefulness. Jesus wasn’t that complicated.

It is not beyond even the highly educated to stretch facts or interpret facts in such a way that supports their theses. It would certainly help if a whole program was devoted to asking such people exactly what they believe.

George Ann Hughes solicits donations for Farrell because “we want to keep him writing.”
I know people who work at paying jobs but don’t always have food in their houses. Is it the church’s responsibility to finance writers?

By: Jonn Wed, 07 Mar 2012 03:08:35 +0000 At the risk of sounding ignorant, just keep in mind that Jesus didn’t start a seminary.
The wisdom of the world is foolishness to God.
He hides things from the wise and learned and reveals them to babes.
Oxford doctorate or not, I lean toward thinking there are things a new Christians knows that Farrell misses.

By: Jonn Wed, 07 Mar 2012 03:05:25 +0000 Yes you are all about that and so am I but are their conclusions biblically sound and just how much emphasis should Bible believers put on ancient pagan manuscripts? Farrell almost had me considering that God aligns planets to perform His will on earth.

By: Paul Collins Wed, 07 Mar 2012 01:31:02 +0000 Like Heiser, not too familiar with Flynn. Heiser and Farrell emphasize scholarship. I am all about that.

By: Jonn Wed, 07 Mar 2012 01:17:05 +0000 There was a time I would never have given one moment’s time to something like what Martin was saying but 911 was the beginning of a rude awakening for me.
