Tag: Barack Obama

P.I.D. Radio 11/22/14: Darkness

FIFTY-ONE YEARS ago today, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. That day ushered in a new era of dissatisfaction and unrest that continues to this day. Maybe the scales fell from our eyes that day in Dallas, making us aware of the darkness that has been with us all along.

P.I.D. Radio 11/8/14: Balkanizing the Nation

THE AMERICAN public voted this week and swept the Republican Party to its largest majority in Congress since World War II. Exit polls showed that Democrats lost big with white voters this time around, which indicates that the country is beginning to divide politically along racial lines. This, of course, plays into the hands of the elites who will gladly keep up fighting one another so we don’t pay attention to the people behind the curtain.

Albert Pinkham Ryder "Death on a Pale Horse"

P.I.D. Radio 10/19/14: Lawyer Up for Ebola

PRESIDENT OBAMA has appointed an “Ebola Czar”, but rather than a medical professional the president selected Ron Klain, an attorney and career Democratic Party operative. Will Ebola respect an injunction?