Category: Podcast

P.I.D. Radio 8/22/09: The Symbolism of ‘Lost’

AFTER SOME thoughts on the vote by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to allow openly gay non-celibate pastors, we spent most of the hour exploring the spiritual symbolism in the ABC series Lost. The show is far more than just a well-crafted dramatic series with strong sci fi/supernatural overtones, it’s rich with symbolism that relates to the spiritual war between good and evil.

P.I.D. Radio 8/15/09: What Things May Come

TONIGHT WE begin our new weekend schedule. As part of our show tonight, we present complete and uncut for the first time an interview from May of 2006 with Russ Dizdar of Shatter the Darkness Ministries.

P.I.D. Radio 8/13/09: Adherents of the Repeated Meme

THE TITLE of tonight’s show is a reference to an episode of BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who which a religious order that dressed like ninja monks — Adherents of the Repeated Meme. It’s a fitting title for the major media, which keeps reminds us that the ranks of militia groups are swelling, hate crimes are on the rise, and a record number of threats are being recorded against President Barack Obama — all because disgruntled conservative (Christian) white people can’t find jobs, tolerate gays, or accept that an African-American sits in the Oval Office.