Tag: Prophecy

P.I.D. Radio 9/27/14: Prophecy Watchers

ONE OF the most encouraging things of the Christian faith is the promise of Christ’s return. So why do so many churches avoid the subject of prophecy? Pastor, author and television host Gary Stearman and “Partner/Servant” Bob Ulrich discuss the importance of studying prophecy and their new ministry, Prophecy Watchers.

P.I.D. Radio 9/6/14: Return of Slender Man

JUST WHEN we thought the furor over Slender Man had died down, a Florida teen fascinated with the fictional horror character tried to incinerate her family by setting her home on fire while they slept. We discuss concept of the tulpa and the possibility that demons may be using the phenomenon to influence teens looking for supernatural power.

derek gary bob

P.I.D. Radio 7/27/14: Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich

Special guests Gary Stearman and Bob Ulrich of Prophecy in the News discuss the Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit, the wonderful fellowship this weekend, and the reasons to study Bible prophecy.