Tag: Barack Obama

P.I.D. Radio 12/6/09: Copenhagen, Hopenhagen, or Gropenhagen?

PRESIDENT OBAMA has delayed his trip to Copenhagen until the final day of the climate talks, apparently banking on his personal charisma to bring home a climate change agreement with teeth in spite of the Climategate revelations of scientific impropriety. It’s an attempt to bring us another step closer to a global government.

P.I.D. Radio 11/29/09: The Manhattan Declaration

Our focus today was on The Manhattan Declaration, a position paper issued Nov. 20, 2009 by a group of prominent Christian leaders. In short, the declaration calls Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians to defend the sanctity of human life, the dignity of marriage, and the rights of conscience and religious liberty. Those are unquestionably values on which Christians can agree — but is it a statement of faith or a dominionist political platform?

P.I.D. Radio 11/16/09: Not a Number

THE SPREAD of the pneumonic disease in Ukraine is our top story. As of today, media in the U.K. are reporting over a million infected, and Dr. Henry Niman reports… Read more »