Tag: Institute of Noetic Sciences

P.I.D. Radio 11/29/10: The Astronaut and the Plejarans

DR. EDGAR Mitchell is reportedly in talks with the US representative of Billy Meieir for a first of its kind public forum with the famed UFO contactee and “prophet”.  Given… Read more »

P.I.D. Radio 11/29/09: The Manhattan Declaration

Our focus today was on The Manhattan Declaration, a position paper issued Nov. 20, 2009 by a group of prominent Christian leaders. In short, the declaration calls Orthodox, Catholic, and evangelical Christians to defend the sanctity of human life, the dignity of marriage, and the rights of conscience and religious liberty. Those are unquestionably values on which Christians can agree — but is it a statement of faith or a dominionist political platform?

P.I.D. Radio 9/19/09: The Big Shift

EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS are being coopted by the New Age movement, and most don’t even know it. Much of the reading we’ve been doing this week has revolved around that fact, and a good part of tonight’s show explores some of the evidence. In short, dominionists, emerging churchers, and ecumenical groups are all aiming for the same goal as New Agers: heaven on Earth. Which may explain, for example, why influential New Ager Paul Temple, founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, donates so much money to the secretive and politically connected evangelical group The Family.