Tag: Economy

P.I.D. Radio 7/29/09: The Danger Within

TODAY’S SHOW covered a range of topics, but most of our time was spent discussing genetically modified crops and the difficulty in finding out how GM foods affect our health. Meanwhile, H1N1 vaccines are being fast-tracked, with human trials only intended to determine dosage — not whether the vaccines are actually safe.

P.I.D. Radio 7/8/09: We Are The World

ONE of the highlights of Michael Jackson’s unparalleled career sets the tone for tonight’s show: while the world watched Michael’s memorial, the Pope published an encyclical recommending a world economic… Read more »

P.I.D. Radio 6/23/09: Hope Meets Pope

IT MAY BE just a coincidence, coming as it does the weekend of the G8 summit in Italy next month, but we couldn’t help noticing that President Obama, whose campaign… Read more »