Tag: Iran

P.I.D. Radio 12/12/15: Open Source A.I.

TECH VISIONARIES have announced a new non-profit artificial intelligence startup. The goal, apparently, is to make sure the first AI is “good”. This is an interesting development, considering that one of the founders has called building an AI “summoning the demon.”

P.I.D. Radio 11/8/15: Robots and Russian Roulette

Today we discuss immortality through technology and several stories related to Russia: Putin’s goals in the Middle East, a possible deal with Israel to develop the Leviathan natural gas field, and Russian code infects Pentagon servers with viruses.

P.I.D. Radio 10/17/15: Prelude to Dabiq

RUSSIA AND Iran have sent troops to fight for Syria’s largest city, Aleppo. Since it borders on the “Islamic State-free zone” declared by Turkey and the US last month, will the NATO allies have a problem with this? And how will the Islamic State respond?